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ArtistScope CD The most secure solutions for digital images, documents and web pages.

Copy Protect Web Content on CD

Encrypt and wrap web projects for offline viewing. Create web style presentations for distribution by download or on CD/DVD for viewing anywhere whether online or offline.

  • Encrypts and wraps html catalogues and pages up to 600 Mb
  • Distribute encrypted archives that cannot be dissembled for their content
  • Supported in all Windows browsers
  • View web style content while offline or from a CD/DVD
  • Optional password and date expiration settings
  • Display your company logo and Copyright statement
  • Supports the CopySafe Web solution for copy protecting page views
The ArtistScope CD Converter will encrypt and wrap web style content to produce secure archive that can be viewed on any Windows computer whether online or offline. All components such as images, logos, text, etc are protected from extraction. The only way the end user can explore your content is by surfing the archive, similar to when visiting your web site.

How it works

ArtistScope CD runs as a mini web server to display web pages on local computers without requiring a web site. When the end user runs your CD archive it opens their default web browser and opens your index html page at http://localhost which is supported by the mini web server embedded in your CD archive.

Click for the PDF user-guide


ArtistScope CD provides most effective protection for archive content but on its own cannot provide protection from saving and copy while individual pages are displayed in a web browser. To further protect images and pages while being viewed, you can include Secure Image or Copysafe Web solutions which are fully supported by ArtistScope CD.

ArtistScope CD Converter GUI

ArtistScope CD is extremely simple to use and just a matter of selecting the folder containing your content, nominating a password (if required) and nominating an expiry date (if time limit is required). Then you copy the new archive to your CD or you send it out to clients by email or web site download.

To publish an entire web site, all you have to do is create a new folder containing your site content, and then modify your links to use 'index.html' as your home page. Almost any type of content can be encrypted including html, txt, docs, xml, images, etc.


ArtistScope CD is free software.

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ASPS Site Protection
CopySafe PDF Protection
CopySafe Video Protection
CopySafe Web Protection


ArtistScope CD Converter


Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Vista or 7.


ArtistScope CD is free software.


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