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ArtistScope DRM The total control management solution for document rights and privileges.

Digital Rights Management

ArtistScope DRM is a total control solution for the Digital Rights Management of documents, images and web pages where an author can assign different permissions per user or group of users. When DRM rights are assigned the document becomes "for their eyes only " and any copies of that document forwarded on cannot be viewed by others unless they also have rights of view.

Copy protect financial data and portfolios Protect financial data and portfolios

Provide financial data and statistics to valued clients. ArtistScope DRM is the most secure DRM solution imaginable. Tokens cannot be forged and certificates cannot be copied and redistributed. When a document or web page is tagged for DRM the back end is checked for their rights of access.

Copy protect plans and drawings Copy protect photographs, plans and drawings

Upload and protect various file types including Word, Html, PowerPoint, Excel and images for distribution as documents or for web pages which cannot be copied or printed unless you allow the privilege. Publish using any combination of DRM or copy protection rules or none at all.

Protect photos and drawings from anywhereAdministrate and distribute from anywhere

The creation of user accounts, document conversion and distribution can be managed online from any computer in the world. Create new users, assign administrators and other special users permitted to submit publications, update document permissions or suspend document availability at any time. Documents can be emailed to your group of users or provided as a download.

ArtistScope DRM Enterprise
manages both documents and web pages from an online control panel that includes a extensive suite of server side tools for document conversion, image and web page encryption, member administration and distribution by email in zip format. ArtistScope DRM Anywhere will protect unauthorized access to web pages hosted anywhere.
  • Restrict which users or groups can view a document or web page
  • Set expiration on a document or web page validated by time server
  • Allow or limit the number of views of documents and web pages per user or group
  • Allow or limit the number of prints of documents and web pages per user or group
  • Allow or limit access to documents and web pages by IP number or network
  • Allow or limit a user to add/edit documents for shared distribution
  • Create member accounts for authoring documents and web pages
  • Upload, convert and protect almost any type of document or web page
ArtistScope DRM Enterprise will upload documents and images and convert them to encrypted format for display on web pages for documents to distribute over the web. Utilizing the Universal Document Converter almost any type of file format can be uploaded and prepared for conversion to encrypted image or encrypted PDF suitable for use with access rights management. The Enterprise version includes an online page maker for creating and editing the look of your pages according to templates that you can create. Click for more information about the inbuilt WSIWYG page editor.

Localize for 26 different languagesTranslation support for 26 different languages

The ArtistScope DRM control panel can be translated into more than 25 different languages automatically. When the multi-language support option is enabled, all windows and messages (including member email notices) are translated to the user's language.

ArtistScope DRM Hosting

ArtistScope DRM Hosting provides a total control solution for Digital Rights Management to almost anyone with a computer. Instead of licensing software and worrying about hosting, you can start from an online management console within 48 hours.

No software needs to be installed. All that is required is for the hosting fee to paid 12 months in advance for your account to be set up and active within 24-48 hours depending on the account realm that you nominate.

DRM Account Types

The first thing to decide is which account realm:
  • A DRM User can view documents and web pages assigned to their own group
  • A DRM Author can add groups, users, documents, web pages and templates for user pages
  • A DRM Owner have control over all of the above with their own SQL database
  • A DRM Site is a standalone web site on our servers using any alias or domain name

DRM Hosting Fees

The initial set up fee varies according to the account realm that select. Then you only have to purchase a number of credits for validations.


"Validations" are the hits on our database requesting authorization to access a protected document or web page. Each page or document requested equals one hit. If a document is accessed and there is a print limit on the document then the hits recorded may amount to two.

To enable authors to check their pages and update them regularly, no hits are recorded when the page is accessed while logged in using the author's account.

Storage limits

There is no storage limit for any of the account types. Every user is entitled to upload as many documents and create as many web pages as they need.

Administration and Distribution

The creation of user accounts, document conversion and management occurs server side so that it can managed from remote computers without having to install software. You can assign administrators and other special users permitted to submit publications, update document permissions or suspend document availability at any time.

DRM User Account

All users are entitled to log into the DRM web site and enjoy the following:

  • Update their contact details and DRM identity at any time
  • View catalogues and indexes of documents assigned to their group
  • View catalogues and indexes of web pages assigned to their group
  • View the history of recent newsletters sent to their group
  • User accounts may be free or by subscription to the group's owner
DRM Author Account

Users with "Author" account status are entitled to create and manage their own distribution:
  • Update their contact details and DRM identity at any time.
  • View catalogues and indexes of documents assigned to their group
  • View catalogues and indexes of web pages assigned to their group
  • View the history of recent newsletters sent to their group
  • User accounts may be free or by subscription to the group's owner
DRM Owner Account

Users with "Owner" account status have total control over the following:
  • Add new groups, users, documents and web pages
  • Set and vary access permissions and document properties
  • Distribute newsletters to groups with documents attached
  • Create templates for the look and feel of their web pages
  • Create slideshows and thumbnail galleries for their documents and pages
  • View and clear the statistics for their user accounts
DRM Site Account

Users with "Site" account status have total control over all aspects including:
  • Domain or alias name used for the web site
  • Create and manage "Author" accounts
  • Access all users, documents and pages for administration purposes
  • Create templates for the look of all web pages delivered from their portal
  • View site statistics by author, group, user, document or page
  • A backup copy of their database when migrating to their own server
ArtistScope DRM Specifications ArtistScope DRM is comprised of a suite of tools provided by ArtistScope and other parties under license. With each DRM license a full license is provided for each tool for unlimited use on a single server.


The full ArtistScope DRM package is provided with every license. License keys are required for each web site which are based on the domain used for administration.

Multiple Sites

Once ArtistScope DRM is installed on a server, the DRM service can be shared by other web sites, each with  their own database and online management solution installed within their own web site. Each additional web site will require separate licensing and domain code.


ArtistScope DRM requires a Windows server with ASP support plus the option of using either a SQL or Access database. ArtistScope DRM is fully compatible with FrontPage, SharePoint, etc.

Installation Support

ArtistScope DRM includes a single installer for all of the server components. To install DRM you will need to have administrator rights on the server to set write permissions on the upload folders and modify some parameters in the settings files for each web site employing the service. ArtistScope DRM can be installed by the ArtistScope support team for an additional fee which can be nominated at the time of purchase.

Document Upload

Almost any type of file can be uploaded and converted to PDF using the Utility Document Converter (UDC). For DRM the UDC is configured for converting Word, Excel and PowerPoint files to PDF prior to encryption for DRM. Existing PDF documents can be uploaded without using the UDC.

DRM Conversion

ArtistScope DRM utilizes a custom version of the CopySafe PDF Converter which retrieves document  information from your DRM database and encrypts the PDF documents accordingly.

Rights Assignment

Document permissions can be set at the time of upload, or they can be set later dafter upload/conversion.

In the case of documents converted for DRM, all permissions including view and print limits, expiry date, group and individual access rights can be changed at any time.

In the case of documents converted by CopySafe PDF that are not for DRM, to preserve the integrity of already distributed publications, the password and expiration date cannot be changed after encryption:
  • Restrict which individual user/s can view the document
  • Set password that can be change at any time by admin
  • Allow/disallow printing or set number of print sessions
  • Limit access by IP number or network
  • Set expiration date validated by an independent time server
Account Establishment

Each account is self contained with its own upload folder, output folder and database. You have the choice of SQL or Access databases, and the choice is yours. For example if you intend to move your DRM solution to your own site/server at a later date, choose the database type that you want to use on your site later and it can be easily exported for its new home.

Hosting Fees

DRM Hosting is not charged by the month or year. Instead it is charged by activity. After paying the one time set up fee of US$250 you also pay in advance a number of hits which are credited to your account. When your users validate a document 1 hit is recorded. When a user downloads a document via their user admin or from email invitation 2 hits are recorded per 5 Mb (or part thereof ) of download size. For example one user downloading a 3.5 Mb DRM document will cost 2 hits. please the order page for further pricing.

Administration and Distribution

The creation of user accounts, document conversion and management occurs server side so that it can managed from remote computers without having to install software. You can assign administrators and other special users permitted to submit publications, update document permissions or suspend document availability at any time.

Multi-language Support

ArtistScope DRM web pages for end users and admin can be automatically translated depending on which browser language is detected. ArtistScope DRM includes the ArtistScope Translate module for more than 25 different languages. When the multi-language support option is enabled, all windows and messages (including member email notices) are translated to the user's language.

- ArtistScope DRM Introduction in PDF format
- ArtistScope DRM Installation in PDF format
- ArtistScope WARM Information in PDF format

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