[ Current server time: 2025-03-14 16:26 
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Banner Code

Use the code in the text box below to track sales on your web site.  This code can be placed anywhere on your web site. When a visitor clicks the banner (or text link) for more information, they will be redirected to our order page for that item, and a cookie added to their browser. Then if and when they complete a purchase for that item (for up to 30 days later), the sale will be recorded and added to your Affiliate account.

The code below can be customized to suit your site using any images that you like. You can select from a variety of images provided by ArtistScope or you can create your own. Click to select an existing banner.
Example Banner Link Code

<!-- Begin Affiliate Code -->
<a href="https://artistscope.net/affiliates/aff.asp?item=XXX&id=XXX&site=example.com">
<img border="0" src="http://example.com/banner-image.jpg" width="120" height="90"></a>
<!-- End Affiliate Code -->

Using the code above you can use any image and then simply add the ItemID (item), your AffiliateID (id), Website (site) and the image url.

Example Text Link Code

<!-- Begin Affiliate Code -->
<a href="https://artistscope.net/affiliates/aff.asp?item=XXX&id=XXX&site=example.com">ProductName</a>
<!-- End Affiliate Code -->

Using this code you can create a simple text link by nominating the ItemID (item), your AffiliateID (id), Website (site) and the text (ProductName) which can be anything that you like.

The Item ID

Please select the Item ID:  (the ID will be 3 digits only)

Your Affiliate ID

Your Affiliate ID is XXX (you are not logged-in)

Your Website

Here you can nominate your website, so when displaying banners on different sites, you can compare the success of each site from your banner statistics.


Because affiliates can now display their own banners, banner impressions are not logged. But we do record all click-throughs and sales.

Code to copy-n-paste

Note: Your checkout page should use SSL (https://) to avoid browser security warnings.

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