   CopySafe DRM Demo Portal
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Digital Rights Management (DRM) for eBooks and PDF documents
PDF Rights Management Demo The most secure document protection solution on the planet.
Delivering DRM protected eBooks and documents after a sale:

How you deliver your eBooks and documents is up to you. The possible options are:

With a document listed as an eBook in the DRM Portal, when you make a sale you can simply add them as an user of that eBook, and then they will be emailed the username and download details for your eBook and the Reader.

If you have several books assigned to a group and each user can access all books in that group, like with students of a particular class or lesson, then you can add users to that group for all documents assigned to the group.

Note that adding users to a group and eBook users is very different. Group users can access all documents belonging to that group, whereas eBook users do not belong to any group but can access all eBooks assigned to them.

The delivery methods are:

1. Let the system send their welcome message and instructions
2. Send your own custom welcome message.

Email messages:

When sending the protected document by email, try to avoid adding the .ENC file as an attachment because some mail clients do not know what to do with file type. ENC files can be sent as an attachment but it should be zipped, then you can be sure that the recipient will save it somewhere before trying to open it.

Using the download link is better, and the link can to use can be retrieved from your documents list in your DRM Portal.

Reader installation:

If your end user has the Copysafe PDF Reader installed then all document deliveries will go smoothly. Until that reader is installed their computer will not know what to do with a .ENC file.

So the first and foremost concern with delivering eBooks and protected documents is to provide the installer for the Copysafe PDF Reader which can be sent as a link for download or delivered on disk.

User log-ins and contact details:

Every user assigned a DRM account can log-in to check the list of documents available to them, update their contact details, etc.

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