The best advice for your scenario?
Secure Image Pro is the recommended image protection for when
you don't want to restrict your visitors to plugin downloads
before being able to view. Browser and software support is
available for all platforms including Windows, Mac and Linux.
Search engine spiders and web grab applications such Xenu,
Teleport Pro and others can locate any file linked to your web
pages. Some applications like Adobe Acrobat can download your
entire web site and publish it as a book. However ArtistScope
encrypted images while they may be downloadable, cannot be
viewed unless displayed from your web site.
Mouse clicking offers several options for saving or copying
the page or image. Secure Image prevents right mouse click
operations in several ways, depending on which applet style is
used. If the standard display is used then visitor trying to
right click on your image will be transported to the hyperlink
that you nominate. If swap image or show text display options
are used then all the visitor can do with their mouse is
display the alternate message/image. They will not be able to
mouse save any of the images. If no link is on the image they
will find that a mouse cannot activate a menu from an
ArtistScope security applet.
Each registered site uses a unique key based on an algorithm
of the domain name for the password to decrypt the image. The
ArtistScope security applet checks the host that is displaying
the web page to see if it matches your key before displaying
the image. Domain Lock codes are not stored on the web site
and therefore not retrievable by any process except by using
an ArtistScope security applet. Instead Domain Lock keys
are embedded into the encrypted images.
Secure Image supports all commonly used browsers on Windows,
Linux and Mac computers. The software for encryption is also
available for use on all platforms.
The process of encryption scrambles data in such a way
that the original information can only be recovered using a
corresponding decryption process and the correct key.
Encryption and decryption are common techniques in cryptography
and the scientific discipline behind secure communications.
The most important reason for using encrypted images is
because they are protected after download by being
irretrievable from the web browser's cache. Secure Image Pro
encrypted images are most secure on the server and protected
from distribution by your employees, webmaster and staff
employed by your web host.
Image encryption is the most secure solution for storing images
on a web server. Encrypted images cannot be displayed without
first being decrypted otherwise they cannot be displayed,
making any images stored on a server not only secure from
unauthorized linking by the public, but they are also secure
from web hosting staff and your web master.
First developed by ArtistScope in 1998, Secure Image is the
only solution that is capable of displaying encrypted images on a web page.
Encrypted images created by ArtistScope copy protection
solutions cannot be displayed in any image viewer except
ArtistScope's security viewer and then only from the owner's
web site. The keycode for decryption is embedded into the image
and when loaded, the security applet checks the keycode against
the url displaying the web site. If the encrypted image's
keycode does not match the web site, the image is not
Encrypted images stored on your web site are safe from staff
and your web host. They are also safe from retrieval from
browser cache (temporary internet files) because the image in
cache is the encrypted version and not one that has been
decrypted. Only ArtistScope's security applet can decrypt the
image and it does that only while displaying it on an
authorized web site. The encrypted image is view only.
ArtistScope ensures that only licensed users can use the full
version of their image encryption programs by custom compiling
each program or order. License codes are not distributed.
Instead the keycodes are embedded into the compiled software,
ensuring that the technology is not distributed to hackers.
Several optionsare available that support all devices including Windows, Mac, iPad, iPhone and Android phones: